Navigating in WebSBA

WebSBA provides several ways to navigate throughout the application. These include the Navigation Bar, Functional Navigator, and Main Menu.

Navigation Bar
Across the top of each page is a gray bar containing options such as "Company" and "Customers" in it. This is the Navigation Bar. Clicking on an option will take you to the features and tools relating to that option.

Functional Navigator

Upon entering the application, you will see several blocks with arrows connecting them. This is the Functional Navigator, and it illustrates the basic business cycle. Clicking on a block will take you to the features and tools relating to that block.

Main Menu

The Main Menu is a table of links to all the many areas of WebSBA. It is ideal for direct access to a feature, but can be overwhelming for new users. To access the Main Menu, click it's link in the upper-right corner of any page.

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