Invoicing a Sales Order

Summary | Comprehensive

  1. From the Main Menu, click Maintain Sales Orders/Invoices under the Customers / Sales Orders heading.
  2. Click Sales Orders.
  3. Click Search to display a list of sales orders.
  4. Select a sales order and click Invoice.
  5. Select the desired operation and click OK.
  6. Note that each item in the order has a Qty BO value and a To Invoice field. Qty BO is the number of units that are "Back Ordered" (yet to be invoiced), and To Invoice is the number of those that you want to invoice. You cannot invoice more units than are back ordered.
  7. Make any desired adjustments to the invoice and click Create Invoice.
  8. WebSBA will display a confirmation message and a list of the accounting entries it posted automatically.
  9. Click View Invoice to display the new invoice.

See Also
Creating a sales order, Viewing a sales order, Editing a sales order, Deleting a sales order

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