Paying a Purchase Order

Summary | Comprehensive

  1. From the Main Menu, click Make PO Payments under the Suppliers / Purchase Orders heading.
  2. Click Search to display a list of suppliers.
  3. Select a supplier and click Select Supplier.
  4. Click Search again to display a list of the supplier's purchase orders.
  5. Select the orders you want to pay and click Pay Order(s).
  6. Review and confirm the operations and click OK. If any of the selected orders have an unpaid balance, you will be allowed to continue.
  7. Enter your check information and click OK.
  8. A check will be written for the total amount due. Clear the dialog box and print out the check page for your records.
  9. Click your browser's Back button and return to the Main Menu. Do NOT click OK again or you will write another check.

See Also
Creating a purchase order, Viewing a purchase order, Editing a purchase order, Receiving a purchase order, Deleting a purchase order

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